viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

My 2011 ABC

I'm going to take another's friend idea. It seems I have no imagination. It might be or maybe I just don't want to think about a post... and her idea was really great (and she took it from another friend too). But instead of writing my 2010 dictionary, I'm going to write the 2011 one.

A: for my name (Ana) and my city's name (Alcalá). That is also the only vowel as in my name and surname as in my city "short" name. I'm not going to be in my city most of the year but I belong to it. I'm part of it as I reckon my name makes myself too. Besides, some of my best friends' name have these vowel (and two of them have only "A" too).

B: for Berlin. That city I always loved and I've visited last year. It was only a day but next year I hope I'll stay there longer.

C: for Coffee. I expect to drink lots of cups of coffee: as breakfast, at the Uni, at a Café, alone, with friends…

D: for Dictionaries. English/Spanish; German/Spanish (I hope); and maybe Polish/Spanish

E: for English and Essays. The language in which I’m going to use most of the year and the Essays I’ll have to write in that language.

F: for Future. Because 2011 is my future and I hope it will bring good things.

G: for Global Studies. There's no need for more explanations

H: for Home and Happiness. Because I'm going to miss my home but I realized I have two homes now and in both I feel really happy.

I: for India. I think it's my only desire right now. I really would love to go there... I have no expectations I get it but I still have hope.

J: for Job. Maybe I'm not going to have a job in 2011 but at least I hope the economic situation will be better than last year.

K: for Kaleidoscope. Because there are almost no words with K and I like that thing.

L: for Leipzig. My current city. My new home and the place I’m going to spend half of the 2011 year.

M: for Mobile phone and Mail. Two useful tools I need to keep in touch with friends and family.

N: for New. For all the new (bad and good) things that are coming, new places, new experiences, new friends, new knowledge. And News

O: for Opera. I really want to go to the Opera in 2011

P: for Posts. I hope to continue working in the cinema blog and writing in this blog so I’ll have to write many posts.

Q: for the Questions I still need to get an answer / answers (and I hope to get in 2011)

R: for “Risa”. Because I hope to continue laughing and smiling and also, be able to make people smile and laugh.

S: for Santander. Because I have a best friends’ wedding there this summer

T: for Tee and Time. What else can I ask for?

U: for Unexpected. Everything can happen.

V: for Visits. Because I hope I'll receive some visits in 2011

W: for Wroclaw and Wien. The first one is the place where I'm going to be in the course 2011/12 and the second one, where most of my master friends from this year will be.

X: for XXX.

Y: for “yo” ( me) and for you. For Amaya.

Z: for “zapatos” (shoes). I love shoes and I expect to buy some this year.

3 comentarios:

Laura dijo...

Of course, your "zapatos" must be in this list :P.

(yo también te voy a echar de menos pero ya seguiré dándote la brasa por interné)

c4rm3nmg dijo...

Me encanta tu ABC! Genial idea! :D
Espero que se cumpla de principio a fin!

Anónimo dijo...

Muchas cosas en inglés empiezan por K, lo que pasa es que la mayoría suenan como si empezaran por N. Como knight, o knowledge...
Mola el post :)